Ersteller logo - AI generated


With Ersteller you can quickly start a new database based web application. You start by defining the basis of your app in a no-code way after which you can then download generated Go code to freely extend and build upon.

Beta signup(Using Google forms)

Why use Ersteller?

How it works

  1. 1

    Create an entity model

    Write out your entity model in natural language. An example: Create a todo app that has the entity Todo with the fields Name, Description and a checkbox field Completed.

  2. 2

    Make manual edits

    Look at the generated model and do manual adjustments as needed

    Fields of the todo entity
  3. 3


    Deploy your entity model and see it in action

    Todo entity deployed in action
  4. 4

    Get the code

    When you're happy you can download the source code of the project and build upon it

    Files list of the generated project

From no-code to clean code

Ersteller generates a Go project with clean code. It includes repository code that uses Postgres as the database and CRUD HTMX routes for the frontend.

No need to write all that basic SQL by hand. No need to create a basic CRUD operations web interface. Ersteller all has that for you out of the box. Just concern yourself with adding your business logic on top of it.

Repository code for the todo entity

All features at a glance

Here you can see all features at a quick glance.

Quick Project Startup

Get your web app up and running in no time. Fully functional from the start. This saves a lot of upfront cost.

Clean Code Output

In contrast to other no-code tools you get clean Go code with HTMX that you can build upon.

Fast deployment

The project code comes with a Dockerfile that compiles the code and puts it into a new clean docker image ready to be deployed anywhere.

Sounds good? Sign up for the beta!

We're currently in private beta. Sign up to get early access and be the first to try it out.

Sign up
(Using Google forms)
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